
(Since 1999)


 IP AND business Law Offices of


Howard L. Hoffenberg


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310-670-5825 Los Angeles | 760-347-3470  Palm Springs



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Copyright 2022 IP and Business Law Offices of Howard L. Hoffenberg, Esq.

All Rights Reserved.



Logo| . was thinking about you the other day I still remember the first day I met you at your office … when I wanted to incorporate the company. I wanted to say thank you for all your support over the years so many times people just don’t stop and say thanks enough.


Logo| It was truly a pleasure working with you and I appreciate everything you did for me, including being available at all times and making my task a priority … Will be in touch soon. 


Logo| Congratulations to you on your fine work here in permitting our little company to secure this additional patent, which we are ecstatic about.


Logo| Dear Howard, Well, Ill give you this: you are a creative and bold thinker.

[H]e [Company President] is impressed with your no nonsense, polite and professional approach.


Logo| Howard, Thanks for the quick reply ... Thanks for the honest assessment ...


Logo| Howard, you are a gem. I appreciate all your efforts on my behalf. Surely I owe you some more financial compensation? Please let me know, if so, and I will send you a check with pleasure.


Logo| I have studied your draft letter. It is well written and to the point. I do not think I can add or subtract anything to the demand. Please send this letter.


Logo| I really appreciate all your hard work and attention to detail ...


Logo| Your professionalism was warm and genuine . . . The contract looks great! . . . It was very pleasing for me to open your e-mail and find answers to all my questions for todays signing. 


Logo| Howard: Well done. They take you very seriously ... Thank you. 


Logo| I have reviewed the ... and everything looks to be in order. As always, your work is well executed ... When we met with you ... [on] this dilemma ... something you said ... [inspired confidence so as to be] ... at ease.